What really influences uptake curves and how to operationalise this by Dr Graham Leask.

This is an interesting question that can be addressed in a variety of ways. At an individual unit level i.e. Practice each individual’s decision to use a new product is initially influenced by three main processes. Firstly, evaluation that relates to the individual being aware of the product and interested enough to try it. Secondly, adoption whereby the customer has weighed the clinical evidence together with their own limited patient trial and decided to add the product to their armamentarium – the selected list of drugs that they use to treat a particular condition. Finally, contagion whereby their enthusiasm and the comments of their peers interact to influence the received p ractice view or those of their colleagues. How do we operationalise this – in short by garnering the right clinical evidence then marshalling and presenting a compelling case but what is of interest to one individual may not interest another at that particular time. In operational terms this means effect...