Believes and misconceptions in pharmaceutical industry, how to get ahead
Pharmaceutical industry has its typical behaviours, its intricacies, its believes and its dogmas just as much as any other industry. In this little article I intend to challenge and question some of those and maybe start a discussion with you. Our environment and customer universe are changing. Changing in a different way than many companies believe. That means that we are most likely training our people to do things that don’t work, marketing our products in ways that don’t resonate with our customers and we ask them to do things they probably don’t want to do. Whilst we do a lot of market research and have large data mining departments trying to figure out patient pathways, we end up not really knowing what to do with the results or interpreting them in a way that fits our believes and dogmas and our ‘experience’. Despite all the data available about prescriptions, formularies, pathways, we stil cannot work out when patients are on combination therapies. When the...